Welcome to the first issue of corporatedethburger. This is our second attempt at a zine. The first thing we put out was called Ziine. This new effort features a lot of changes. The most visible of these changes is the format, Ziine was a lot smaller in both page size and number of pages. Also Ziine was a total piece of crap (sorry to the two people who actually bought it). Now, don't get us wrong, we're not saying that this new zine is not also a piece of crap, were just saying that it's not as big a piece of crap as our first attempt. Also we have added interviews and opinion articles. Len and I hope you enjoy this issue of our new and improved zine!
Hugs & Kisses,
P.S. You'll probably be wondering who Elvis McCheese & Princess Buttercup are. That's the names that Len and I decided to use when we first started doing this zine.